American Indian Sacred Society


A Message From
Medicine Chief Lee Thunderbear

Hello, my name is Thunderbear

A little about myself....I am Canadian Mohawk on my Dad's side and Sioux and Irish on my Mom's. Some call me a Medicine Man, some a Shaman. As for me, I call myself just a man walking a spiritual path, the one many call The Red Road.

In society, the quest is "How much can I get?" On the Spiritual Path, the quest is "How much can I contribute to life?" With the Spiritual Path, you don't have to be stuck with your old ways, you can change your thinking and your attitude as to how you think of and do things...Change the wrong thinking you have done and you change not only your future, but even a part of the universe itself.

No teacher, priest, guru, shaman, nor medicine man can make the changes for you... They can only point out your weaknesses and faults and then teach and show you how to change. Only you can make those changes thru facing and admitting those fears, weaknesses and faults: Then working at making the necessary changes.

Your journey on the path will take a lot of personal work and effort but be assured that you can and will persevere if you are determined and persist in spite of frustrations and disappointments. It is a journey that will take courage because the wisdom you need does not come easily or instantly. It will take true faith, which is knowing that when you come to the end of all the light you have, and are about to enter the darkness ahead, one of two things will happen... There will be solid ground beneath your feet, or you will have learned to fly.....And, it will be lonely on the path, because as I have learned, very few are strong enough to face themselves and strong and determined enough to do the work required to change, but the "Prize" is worth everything it takes, no matter how hard or painful, because that prize is enlightenment, wisdom and what some call 'Power'.

If you decide to walk the Red Road, just remember that you must follow creator's Laws at all times, not just when you feel like it.


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Presiding Elder

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